Lincoln Quilters Guild is pleased to announce that PhD student Younhee Kang is the recipient of our $1000 scholarship.  Younhee is a University of Nebraska, College of Education and Human Sciences student in the Department of Textiles, Merchandising & Fashion Design. She is pursuing a doctoral degree in the areas of Material Culture and Quilt Studies, programs that use the resources of the International Quilt Study Center & Museum.  Younhee’s proposed doctoral research project is “Quilted Clothes and Armor in East Asia.”  She will research the cotton armor, dating from the 4th-5thcentury paintings and military uniforms from the 17th-18thcentury that display the technique.  She plans to learn and reproduce the traditional quilting technique, Noo-bi.  Younhee received her B.F.A. from Duksung Women’s University and M.S. from Seoul National University in South Korea.  

Congratulations, Younhee!